Kids shoe size conversion charts

Different countries use different charts to specify sizes. This size converter will help you to convert sizes from one chart to another.

We also have adult shoe sizes chart.

1 0.5 15.5 9 8.5
2 1.5 16.5 10 9.5
3 2.5 18 11 10.5
4 3.5 19.5 12 11.5
5 4.5 20.5 12.5 12.5
6 5.5 21.5 13 13.5
7 6.5 23 14 14.5
8 7.5 24.5 15 15.5
9 8.5 25.5 15.5 16
10 9.5 27 16 17
11 10.5 28 17 18
12 11.5 29 18 18.5
13 12.5 30.5 19 19.5
1Y 13.5 31.5 20.5 20.5
2Y 1.5 33 21 21.5
3Y 2.5 34.5 21.5 22
4Y 3.5 35.5 22 23
5Y 4.5 37 23 24
6Y 5.5 39 24 25